What do you need to bloom?


What do you need to bloom?

What do you need to bloom?

I love these

Yes Sweet Peas!

And these are from our garden!

Since we have managed (well husband has managed) to work out how to grow them!

We train the sweet pea shoots around string we dangle from a frame he has made for our climbing fragrant roses (another of my loves!)

we really enjoy fragrant, colourful and delicate flowers all summer long

It is not that difficult really and does not take a huge amount of time.

We (well he really) gets a few little plugs in the spring and plants them out

The plugs, with the right conditions, grow rapidly upwards and outwards and then one day we go out into the garden and suddenly it seems they have flowered!

The scent is amazing, it makes the kitchen so welcoming

and the flowers always bring a smile to my face. 🙂

Is this you?

Are you a sweet pea plug wanting to grow and bloom for all to see?

Or are you waiting for the “right time” or “right conditions” to do your growing.

The summer is nearly over for another year and then it will be another year…..

Can you afford physically, mentally and financially to wait another year?

All you need is the belief that now is the right time,

the rest takes care of itself,

In a matter of a few sessions you will be blooming as well!

Come and see me at the The Professionals Coach and see how I can help you.