Compassion and Active Listening


Compassion and Active Listening

person holding heart shaped cut out
Photo by Engin Akyurt on

Compassion and Active Listening

How can compassion help you at work?

Last week I talked about Prof Michael West’s four behavioural elements that are needed to help people and workplaces become more compassionate places and give support to our colleagues who are in distress.

Today I would like to share his second behaviour:



I listen all the time, you will be saying to yourself.

In fact I spend my life listening to everyone, boss, colleague, husband/wife, child etc

I would offer to you, to stretch your thinking and consider, are you REALLY listening?

As coaches (and GP’s) we learn a lot about listening and the importance of it.

Books and careers have been built on the virtues of listening.

I would like to agree that Listening IS powerful.

I will say it again LISTENING IS POWERFUL.

Listening is also highly underrated and overlooked.

When you are listening, truly listening what happens?

My experience is that this is when magic happens.

You finally realise why someone refuses to work with colleague, why they do not want to come to meeting and why they might be frightened, yes actually frightened of going over a deadline.

This then leads to compassion AND the active listening.

You just never know what is going on with that person unless you listen.

Actively listen.

Actively listening can benefit us all, in all our relationships.

Why not have a go and see what happens for you and how did your colleague react to your active listening?

Let me know, I’d be very interested to hear, The Professionals Coach


#compassioniskey, #compassionandlistening, #YESYOUCAN. #coachingcanhelp #listeningispowerful