What is this really about?


What is this really about?

pensive grandmother with granddaughter having interesting conversation while cooking together in light modern kitchen
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

Have you ever asked yourself “What is this really about?”

Never, sometimes, always??

Its a great way of checking in with yourself to find out where that uncomfortable feeling is coming from.

Usually though, we use alcohol, drugs, eating, shopping etc. to push those feelings down and “numb out”

Effectively those behaviours do not soothe, they keep us stuck.

They keep us in a life we do not want and doing things that harm us in the long-term.

We repeat the same loops and cycles of behaviour over and over again.

I do not have a problem, I just like [insert soothing behaviour]

really ?


try and push your thinking a little here to ask yourself the question “what is this really about?”

Have courage to do so and the wisdom to listen.

Some self kindness, compassion and curiosity will help stop those negative loops.

That question will empower you to start the moving forward in life that we all want and crave.

unlike that chocolate cake, drink, another pair of jeans……

But then what?

If you are uncomfortable with the answer and do not know where to turn,

ask yourself “what would my future self do?”

Imagine yourself 5, 10 or 20 years hence, what advice would the older you give to yourself?

It is amazing what the answer that comes back from that little question.

You have the answers inside of you

You do not need the external soothing

Just the internal one!

If you are grappling with something and you would like some more help, then contact me at The Professionals Coach and we will get to the real issue.